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Closet Atheist?

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January 5, 2005
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Closet Atheist?
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If you are still in the closet about atheism, please share what you are dealing with.

Will you lose your job if it gets out?

Will your family disown you (and is there a big trust fund at stake)?

Did your car break down somewhere in the South, and you're not sure if it is safe to tell the truth?

Whatever the reason, this is the place to speak your mind. Take a big breath and let it all out now.

The way to start is to say 'Hi everyone, my name is (say your username), and I am a closet atheist.'

And then let us know why.

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February 17, 2008
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no, I am not a closet atheist. I have never been afraid to speak my mind. This has destroyed my life in this biased american society. I have lost dozens of friends. I have been ostracized by portions of society. i have lost jobs. i get bombarded almost daily that I cannot be moral or happy without "god".
This is ridiculous. we supposedly live in open, tolerant, and scientific times. But we dont. Our society is sick when it comes to the way the people treat you when they discover you are atheist, or even simply not religious. I am appalled and disgusted.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Yep, that's me.....a closet atheist. I even married a religious woman 20 years ago. She just always took it for granted that I believe in God, as does the rest of my family. I've lived a peaceful life this way. At the ripe old age of 47 it's just starting to bother me that I live a lie. I still believe that if I came out of the closet, it would ruin my life. I just have to deal with it.

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April 27, 2008
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`I might be a closet atheist, just depends on with whom I'm speaking. I'm out with my sister, who's also an atheist. My religious-minded wife knows, and doesn't like it at all. I've alluded to it at work, but I've not directly said "HEY! I'M AN ATHEIST!"

You won't find an "Atheist" bumber sticker on my car.

Am I a closet atheist? you tell me!

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July 11, 2008
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Maybe a closet atheist. Around strangers found its safer to either avoid or skim the subject, leaving the answer up in the air. Even in the military, and the southeastern USA, it can ostricize you unfortunately. Among friends they hold the quiet hope of convincing me to believe. So I'll attend church but I can't buy it. How is a non-referenced book of far-fetched acts supposed to convince me, or anyone, for that matter? So maybe I'm a closet atheist.

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November 8, 2006
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`I don't know if I'll get a reply but I'm also a closet atheist that is afraid to admit to it publicly. I'm also a homeless Vietnam veteran living in an alcohol-cocaine shelter and they practice the 12 step program of AA. I have been sober for many years in the program but in the last 2 years or so studied my way in disbelief in any sort of god. Let me tell you it is scary to even mention it to anyone. They are probably 99.9% religious. We're in Memphis, Tennessee. They would find a way to kick me out if I said what I wanted to at meetings. And I can't afford to because I'm trying to get disability from the VA because I have congestive heart failure.

It is so rediculous to participate with the knowledge I've acquired. I've read all of Richard Dawkins and numerous others and would never try to convince others of my beliefs. It's a very lonely existence with few friends that understand me.

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Posted:     Post subject: Closet Atheists?

Hello, my name is Randy. I am a former Christian, but that was years ago. My transition to atheism was fairly easy and I chose not to offend people that I loved who would be offended by my lack of beliefs. I don't regret that.

Atheism is a lack of a belief and not a belief. Therefore, I don't boast about my "atheism", any more than I boast about the mole on my ass.

However, I am greatly offended by and respond accordingly to anyone who would impose their beliefs on me or other non-believers.

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September 19, 2008
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`hi my name is Mehdi i am an ex-muslim. i am closet atheist too be stating it in public can cause execution !!! yeah don't wonder i live in iran. i think there is no need to comment more.

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June 29, 2010
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`Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm a closet atheist.... My mother has told me in casual conversation that if she found out I was an atheist she wouldn't be able to speak with me ever again...wouldn't 'know how to.' She's had a very difficult life and god is very important to her...we've had many arguments on the subject, and I've just sort of given up.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Closet atheism is about fear of christians. Their intolerance, and the vindictiveness of christian society.

Christianity and Native American tradition are incompatable. The religions of Jehovah are of conquest and obedience, whereas our tradition is of freedom and exploration.

I reckon that to remain in the closet is prudent if you live in USA. Maybe to say that you are an agnostic (ie without gnosis) is safer, without being deceitful to your familty. I chose to live isolated in Australia partly because it was inevitable that someone as uncompromising as me would be shot dead by an indignant american believer.

Traditionally, we had only two sins. Turning against the people, and cowardice.

Christianity cultivates cowardice. The threat of eternal torture for the disobedient is lurking in the background of every decision made by a christian. That threat is directed at the gullible, and it indirectly justifies the genocide of all who refuse church and state. Cowards are more dangerous than warriors, because fear has no honour and no loyalty.

The penalty for lying applies because deception weakens the tribe by destroying trust. So, to lie is to turn against the people. We would argue about other things, but the lie that breaks trust is unambiguous and unforgivable.

Except when managing an enemy or playing a joke, to deceive is cowardly. Cowardice is based in defect of character rather than a difference of perspective. Perspective can be corrected by counsel, but character is intractable.

Personally, I would like to see the death penalty for lying restored. That, more than anything else, would counter the social poison hidden in christianity.

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March 8, 2011
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`I don't own any closets.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Well I was raised in a religious family, joined the United States Marine Corps, and I'm currently stationed in South Carolina, my views are relatively conservative as well as the views of most of those who keep company with me, and yet I'm an outspoken atheist...

I think people over-estimate the consequences of coming out of the closet, I would gladly talk to anyone who has issues with this further, but there are very good ways to go about it, and if you want to drop it slowly its all about using the proper method of explanation. To put it bluntly rhetoric is key, and anyone can happily accept your atheism.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm not a closet atheist, though there are times I hesitate to say it or show it, sometimes for fear of harm.

Having been exposed to the religious community as a child and a young adult, I've come to some personal conclusions. I think what really drives their behavior is fear of atheism and atheists. We are what threatens the foundation of their belief in the nonexistent. We represent the reality they can't handle.

When I transitioned from christianity to atheism, I had to rethink all of the concepts beat into my head from childhood, a major one being death is the end, but on reflection realized it's really a comfort, especially compared to what religion offers. I think that is one huge fear for the religious; no life after death.

I think many of the religious have been told what to think all of their lives and not to question anything they are told under threat of punishment; they are conditioned to react very strongly to opposition to their beliefs.

We live in a rural area of southeastern Wisconsin, Kenosha County, and there are some real nut cases out here. I used to have those Darwin fish with the little feet on my car and never had a problem, but i took them off when my 17-year-old started driving it for fear he might have some.

A few months back I put a happy humanist sticker on my car (I'm not a member, but agree with a lot of the concepts of humanism. I thought it was cute, the little H with the ball on top, and one way to express who I am without being too obvious, so I thought; even though I don't like the idea of being a "member" or part of any organization) and found both of my tail lights smashed in the parking lot after grocery shopping.

A few years ago my supervisor and a bunch of my co-workers, who are all religious, started circulating emails putting pressure on us to attend prayer meetings because my supervisors husband, after years of smoking, developed lung cancer. I replied with my condolences, that I would be thinking of them and hoping for a recovery; but at the same time I said that I would not be attending the prayer meetings. I told them if I thought prayer would help I would definitely be there. It got to the point the prayer meetings and her husband's illness were overriding the workplace. Eventually I went to HR about it. HR did speak to them.

I also spoke up when they started in again with the xmas party thing, even carrying it to the point of being mandatory, for which I spoke up and reminded my supervisor and manager that not everyone practices their beliefs. It makes me angry these people have the adaucity to just assume everybody in existence is christian.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`The most negative side of my not being a closet atheist is the wrath of my sister and mother raining down on me.

I think it just depends on the individual and what kind of relationship you have with your family. If it's worth it to you to have them there for you and they are otherwise supportive and love you, it may be better not to come out to them.

I decided mine aren't worth it. If it wasn't my atheism, they would find something else, as always. I've just distanced myself from them for the sake of my peace of mind. Ahhhhhhh...

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Posted:     Post subject:

palegal wrote: `Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm a closet atheist.... My mother has told me in casual conversation that if she found out I was an atheist she wouldn't be able to speak with me ever again...wouldn't 'know how to.' She's had a very difficult life and god is very important to her...we've had many arguments on the subject, and I've just sort of given up.

I know how this is. The first time I left Christianity my brother tried to hurt me after he found out. I considered myself agnostic then. He was always arguing with me too, and after it escalated to where he almost ran into me on his bike with the most evil look on his face I've seen anywhere just to make me fly into someone's gravel driveway and started another one of those annoying arguments, I called him out on it. We finally had a civil conversation, and he convinced me to reconvert. He knows I gave up my faith again and that I'm an atheist now, and he just sticks to arguments, some of them being pretty twisted. I have no idea if he'll eventually try to hurt me again, but I can defend myself if he does. My sister knows too, but she doesn't seem to care. I haven't told my parents yet. I know they won't disown me, but it will be likely to cause a lot of chaos and possibly make them not see me the same way again. I doubt it would be taken well.

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