What do I hope to find on AP? I'm looking for a friend first. Someone to share time with. I think it's important not to skip over the friendship phase. If we don't click on a friendship level, we can shake hands and say goodbye. If we do click, then cool... we can move on. My ideal woman is smart, with a will and a mind of her own. She doesn't have to be a knockout, but should possess a certain modicum of beauty. She doesn't have to be a star athlete but she should be concerned about her health and physique. If she can hold her own in a conversation, then she's got my attention. It's what's in the heart and mind that counts most. You'll quickly find that I'm a lover. When you're not feeling well or simply need attention, I can be doting. I naturally tend toward the protective side. I'm an aspiring writer, so you'll often find me with a pad & pen or sitting at a computer. I also read frequently. Writers need lots of real world experience too, so you can often find me out and about, Chasing ideas for setting and character development. I try to look after my body with walking, biking, calisthenics, and mat exercises. I'm returning to college to flex my mind. And now it's time to start looking for that special someone.