I believe in what you can do in this only life you have, and that moral good stems from the secular culture and secular traditions we build with our family and friends, regardless of religious view or lack thereof.
About me:
I believe people are walking contradictions. There are so many facets to oneself that can't be boxed in.
I love Portland and all it has to offer!
Being a foodie kills my wallet.
Working as a Database Developer is my bread and butter.
I have a house down in the Belmont area and love my neighborhood. Even the hipsters are cool, as long as there isn't cause for a smug alert.
Biking around Portland is a favorite pasttime of mine.
Sometimes I play Chess, cheap Poker tournaments, and occasionally the piano keys.
I love music: Techno, Classical, Industrial, Metal from all decades, Hip-Hop, Electro-_Insert_Genre_Here, some Jazz, some Ambient, folk, bluegrass, and even OLD country. (Although I tend to dislike most pop music and most country music)
If I had a favorite Genre, it is probably industrial.
I enjoy some of the geekier things in life, such as reading manga and sci-fi books. I especially enjoy auto-biographies, biographies, and anything Kurt Vonnegut.
Whiskey is my alchoholic beverage of choice.
I tend to work hard and play hard.
I especially like to contemplate the meaning of my life within the realm of my atheist views.
I don't hate religion, although I hate religious extremism when it is used to keep people down in this world.
I'd like to meet a woman who shares most of the traits I have, but would like to just start with Atheism.
Romance and seduction are important.