I enjoy lengthy conversations about those topics you'd have to be a genius to fully understand, like philosophy, social theories and social science, psychology, and anything that allows me to feign intelligence. I'm looking for somebody who also enjoys that, but who is also looking for something serious. And of course, somebody with a wicked sense of humor.
And sure, I don't believe in God... oddly enough I still like Christian rock/metal. However, I'm pretty certain that God doesn't exist, and I do wish that the rest of the world would wake up and realize that God not only is a terrible explanation for the facts of the world we see in front of us, but also that the idea is absurd and in disagreement with the facts of the world.
Also, I'm going to throw this out: I'm a transhumanist. I'm not necessarily into Kurzweil or the singularity, but I do believe the basic notion that human beings should improve themselves and future generations using the technologies we're developing.