to hit some broad points about me: i'm a civil servant with a full-time job, a liberal, a bit of a nerd, an artist (dropped out of mfa game design program), have an interest in pursuing a juris doctor at some point, enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, heavy metal music, bad ghost documentary shows, fishing, hunting, hiking around in the woods...
i don't want to wall-of-text this with stuff about me, otherwise what's there to discuss via messages or dates? so i suppose i'll move on to what i'm looking for.
i'm looking for a partner. someone to enjoy life with together. i have no interest in having children, so if that's your thing, i'm sorry but i'm likely not for you. seems like that was an automatic deal-breaker on 99.9% of other dating sites. here's hoping this one's a bit different. so, if you're at all interested, feel free to shoot me a message. i usually reply fairly quickly when i'm not at work.