I like, probably too much, to debate. Not in the sense that I like to just argue with people, but rather that when there is a disagreement on something, I see it as either a chance for me to learn something new or for someone else to learn something new. I am always eager to be proven wrong, but won't go down without a fight

If I like something, I tend to get really passionate about it. When I was younger, I liked astronomy, so I wanted to become an astronaut. Throughout playing decent simulator games, I went through stages of wanting to be a pro skateboarder, jet pilot, race car driver, pro tennis player...
I guess you can say that I learn to love what I'm doing almost regardless of what I'm doing - as long as I'm having fun.
I am always thinking about various things to invent. I should probably try starting a crowd-sourcing project - as most of my ideas stop at the stage where I'd need to spend a bunch of coin on something which may not even work.
I graduated Cooper Union with an engineering degree, and ended up working as a software developer. Though the two seem almost at odds with each other, they are both in the business of creating things - just one is based more in the physical world, while the other is based more in the virtual world.
I love to try new things, but often start off having some idea about how they may end up for me. I haven't been pleasantly surprised enough times for me to stop, which probably means that I should try more new things

When I was really young, I didn't like how everyone called me a red head, since my hair wasn't the color I had associated with red. So, I opened up a Crayola box full of colored pencils, and found the color that most closely matched. So, as per Crayola, at least when I was younger, my hair color was "