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How to Answer the Question: Are you an Atheist? Do you belie

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February 9, 2008
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: How to Answer the Question: Are you an Atheist? Do you belie
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First of these are exceedingly loaded question and those asking are quite honestly totally unaware that they are loaded questions. So understand this upfront.

Do not answer a yes or no upfront, or go into a First Amendment or human rights argument. The fist task is show them just how loaded is the question.

This is your answer

“First off that question is an insult to any Supreme Deity and the Supreme Intelligence of such a Supreme Deity.

You, as a human, driven by human impulses, may seek and want, a gang, a tribe, a war-faring group identity, but no Supreme Being could ever possible see itself as a gang-leader, a tribal leader, seeking ego glorification, by the use of such litmus tests. An alien like a Klingon maybe, ( actually certainly). A Supreme Deity? I do not think so.

Such a deity would be looking at deeper things, character thingsDo unto others things. It would be more important that you meet and live those criterions, not what you claim to believe.

For anything you may state you believe in, someone else may take those same exact words, give it their own interpretation and view, that is consistent, that you may not agree with, but that any Supreme Being, with more knowledge and insight than you would say “ To view is entirely acceptable to me ( us?).

Intelligent mathematicians do this every day. They say, for example
A +1 B= 2 C = 3 so A plus B equals C. Form that defines the content.

We have lived this already. All during the Reformation we have lived this already. It is a settled question. Nothing has changed for it to be revisited.

This was exactly the type of arguments the Protestant had for the Catholics, the Quakers for the Protestants. And so we created Constitutions, and started to live like civilized human beings, who where not out seeking fig-leaves to bring hostilities, subordinations and subjugations to other self-respecting humans.

And like any self-respecting human being then and now, we are going to say no to this. (Then the ones doing this are usually the ones with the most disgusting character –traits, traits only fit to be Fascist. But dont bring this up up-front.)

(Then if you are someone who can genuinely state that you place Jesus and his Ministries, the substance of his ministries as YOU see them, as you interpret them, then state you are a Christian, any bit as much as them and you do not seek their approval, or arguments with them, because how you see it, and it makes eminent sense to you, and any rational Jesus, who has transcended the lower human proclivities, impulses, and models for behaviour and thought, would most certainly give his whole–hearted support, especially if we are taking about Supreme Deities with Supreme Intelligences. Call yourself a New Dimension Christian. Do not use the term New Age, another loaded term.)

Continuing to them:

“So go sit down, leave people alone and at least meet the criterion of living like a civilized human being. And if a Jesus or a Supreme Deity is willing to reward you with more, then good!, that is between you and the Supreme Deity, and I have no such bad-mind as to not wish you well. That is, so long as your gains were not obtain by human illegal unconstitutional dirty tricks means, that any court would give reverse and deliver justice.

So we have individual rights Constitutions, realistic and fully understanding the need to “Trust, but verify, reflected in checks and balances, and as long as we choose to remain civilized humans these will remain.

And please feel free to use the argument. Distribute it. I will be doing the same.

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`Yes... I'll make sure to repeat all that the next time someone casually asks me if I'm an atheist.

LOL! ----in' people, I swear.

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`In my experience, 'Atheist' is a dirty word. I may as well be admitting to being a murder, a liar, a person of no moral fibre whatsoever when I state "I am an Atheist". "You're an Atheist!?" is rarely stated as a question, but as an accusation.

Years ago, I was concerned that my lack of belief would offend religious minded folk - I no longer have any such concerns. If you're a Theist and want to question me about so at your own peril.

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November 8, 2010
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`I totally agree with Vampy. In current times as sad as it is, its ok to believe anything but nothing. "Atheist" is a dirty word. Being an anthiest is like being gay infront of people that are homophobic. But even saying that people who are more open minded get offended. "Thats a terrible thing to say theres no way its as bad as being punished for your s----l preferance." And I will agree that we arn't as harassed as someone who is homosexual, but its still a very taboo subject. Your put in an awkward position when confronted.

"do i lie and say im a believer when im not?" This is an outrage, by the same token people should be affriad to say there christian. But for the majority they believe in what they were raised to believe. I don't run around screaming in peoples faces cliaming there wrong, and that they should be punished, or that they're an idiot and will certianly pay. No i just let it go. So there really is no cut and dry answer to what we can say. You just have to stand up for what you believe in (or don't in this case.)

I take the route of honesty. You just have to confront people with it. I don't bring it up unless im confronted but if asked i answer honestly. If they start to argue, I ask them why its such a big deal to them. Most often its "well i just don't want you to go to hell." And i tell them, in your religion (most of the time is christians) are you not told to treat others how you would want to be treated. If so then i doubt you'd want someone yelling at your saying that your beliefs are wrong. When you meet someone jewish do you yell at them? Muslim, or how about the different parts of christianity, is someone not as good cause they're cathlic or prodistant? So if your going to yell at me fine. But treat me equally, go to all the other churches, or places of worship and tell all of them how they're wrong. Tell them the way things have to be.

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November 13, 2010
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I'm with you guys, I have been looked down on for my atheism, but the best way that I deal with it is if someone doesn't like the fact that I'm an atheist, then I tell them why. 9 times out of 10 if you are talking to a christian and start telling them why their beliefs are illogical and what it is you can't believe about it, then they get uncomfortable and want to change the subject. You get the occasional few that enjoy a good debate and will come back at you, but those are rare. So, if someone tells you atheism is wrong or that you are going to hell and they won't shut up about it, just point out all the ways the bible is illogical and immoral and most will shut up real quick. I used to carefully phrase my words so as to get my point across without offending them, but anymore I am so sick of it that I don't care. The more offended they are, the more likely they will shut their mouths. Never forget, without a good sense of logic we wouldn't be atheists anyway, so use your logic to your advantage.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`When they tell me I'm going to Hell, I reply, "Well, if you're right, that's okay with me, that's where all my friends will be."

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January 30, 2011
Posts: 5

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hyperion1970 wrote: that's where all my friends will be

lol, too ture!


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