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Non-believers get mentioned in Obama's inauguration speech

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July 23, 2006
Posts: 19

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While I'm not keen on being called a non-believer (like the default is belief), I was thrilled that "we" were included in some form. It's refreshing after the last eight years of the faith-based regime.

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September 19, 2008
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yes but look how obama had to proved that he was a good Christian ! all those games! was not to prove this? (i don't want to criticize him because he had not another way) .however USA is counted as secular country but the affect of religion still shows ....
i wish an atheist country for all atheist from all around world

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July 23, 2006
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`obscureatheist, I agree.

Right up until the election, I was receiving wacky email from clueless acquaintances about Obama being a "secret Muslim" (as if being a Muslim is somehow not as good as being a Christian), of not being respectful of the bible, etc... Unfortunately these people have been a very vocal minority in the US, and have received much more attention than they deserve, mostly because they demand it.

I like the idea of an atheist country for all atheists from around the world, but unfortunately I'm afraid people would be fighting over what economic system to use, which language would be the language of government, etc... To be honest with you, I really don't like the politics of some atheists I've met. They seem to lack compassion.

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September 19, 2008
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however i think the idea for an atheist country for all people around world is not possible now (however some countries has a large percent of atheist like chek which has 53% ) but i think thing is not so bad ! look at the founders and theorist of economics systems many of them were atheist and...
yes atheism can't resolve all problems because atheism is not ideology for solving these problem (even i don't see it as an ideology).but atheists can deal with each other better than religious people and have less reason to fight together .
but about compassion look at the todays world most compassionate leaders
1 bush (fortunately yesterday leader he need no more comment) [Christian ]
2 olmert and other Israeli leader(how compassionately the massacre in gaza) [Jew]
3 iranian mullahs (on of most compassionate leaders in the world!) [Muslim]

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July 23, 2006
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`I disagree with you that atheists can deal with each other better than religious people. I think all people are subject to psychology ("human nature"), their own cultural conditioning, and vagaries of their individual blood chemistry, brain physiology, etc...

However, I would be happy to be proven wrong.

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September 19, 2008
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yes you are right . atheism by itself doesn't cause an advantage for people to deal with each other better .but the point is that it eliminates a source of conflicts between people : Religion .
even when all people in a society have a same religion it can't reduce their conflicts even in some cases it can increase it too .i myself have seen it in where i live. religion just can unite people against other people with different beliefs but this the only usage of this unity is against others and it doesn't work within themselves.
religion is another tool for people to fight with each other( both people inside and outside a society ) atheists don't use this tool to fight !

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July 23, 2006
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`Well, you do have a good point, obscureatheist.

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