Ohmyglob81, 44

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Detroit, MI, USA

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I don't really miss God, but I sure miss...
I don't really miss God, but I sure miss... Santa Claus! - Courtney Love
Opened with a quote from Courtney Love. That ought to weed a few undesirables out.

iF yOu TyPe LiKe ThIs, PlEaSE CLicK aWaY FrOm mY PrOfilE RiGhT tHe HeLL N0w.

I don't like traditional, societally accepted relationships. But I like meeting new people and having adventures and fun and coffee and long talks about Godlessness and cartoons and cheese and books and all manner of things.

I learned to read at 2 1/2, so books are kind of vital. If you're not a reader, go away please. Now then,
Favorite authors: Chuck Palahniuk, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman (questionable taste in wives notwithstanding), Irvine Welsh, Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Moore, Phillip Pullman, Carrie Fisher.

I also like watching movies, something I mostly do alone, because I like weird movies.
Favorite movies: Jumpin' Jack Flash, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance, Thirst, Ichi The Killer, Visitor Q, Happiness of the Katakuris, zombie movies in general, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Studio Ghibli in general, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Just finished coursework for an associate's degree in Digital Design and Layout, Mac user, Adobe Master Collection owner, font geek.

That should about cover introductions.
About Me
Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Height 5'03"
Weight 350 lbs
Hobbies & Interests internet, killing zombies, movies, reading, television, writing
Body Type large
Movies horror
Orientation bisexual
Eye Color brown
Hair Color auburn
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship single - never married
Have Kids no - do not want kids
Education Level college grad
Profession Other, Artistic / Musical
Income level that's private
Do you smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do you drink? only blood, socially
I currently live with parents
Socially, I am side kick, comic relief, better in small groups, a couch potato
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related Junk Food Junkie, BRAINS!!!, Omnivore
Personality dominatrix, geek, intellectual, liberal, total slacker
Individuality tattoos
Religious Views Atheist, Not Religious
I'm looking for something interesting, mr. right now, fun, conversation
My Sign i was born in january
Pets Cat
Gender Female
Music Pop, Hip Hop, Hard Rock, Folk, Dance
Hair Style bob cut
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests comic books, internet, killing zombies, movies, reading, television
Their Body Type average, a few extra pounds, fat and proud
Movies horror
Orientation bisexual, gay, lesbian, straight
Relationship single - never married, single
Have Kids no - do not want kids
Their Education Level high school grad, currently in college, college grad
Do they smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do they drink? only blood, socially
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related Junk Food Junkie, BRAINS!!!
Personality clown, geek, total slacker, nerd, intellectual
Individuality tattoos, circus clown
Religious Views Atheist
They are looking for miss right now, something REALLY hot, friends - with benefits, conversation
Gender Female, Male

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