Seeking my "Best Friend", long-lost "Soulmate" & potential "Life-Partner"... hopefully already traveling the same path in life & ready to share the wondrous journey ahead with someone of like-mind & heart...
She's a NON-RELIGIOUS/ATHEIST, VEGETARIAN/VEGAN Outdoorswoman / "Girl-next-door" type...
(Any Race/Ethnic background... ~35-58? - Attitude more important than calendar age)
NO Smoking/Drugs, Light or No Drinking, SLIM/TRIM/FIT, Non-Materialistic
Very Easygoing, Down-to-Earth, Communicative - Affectionate, Romantic, & ------- nature, with a Gentle Spirit, Warm Heart, Laughing Eyes & Great Smile!

Must LOVE motorcycle riding, have a ---- for extensive US & World TRAVEL, THRIVE on adventure & new experiences, exploring remote & unusual places, learning new skills, always working to improve herelf, & wanting to make a difference in the world.