Cantstopsignal, 46

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Ft Worth, TX, USA

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I'm a Doctor of Many Things
I'm a Doctor of Many Things The phrase "geek of all trades" is really the only simple way I can think to describe myself.

* I also love Doctor Who (old and new series), Firefly and Babylon 5.
* I've thought about going back to school to get my doctorate, just because I want to be able to have people call me "The Doctor".
* I got my first degree in acting. My second in information technology.
* Every job I've ever had involved working with books or computers.
* I love reading. If I were informed I would die in a few months, I would gleefully max out my credit cards at a book store.
* My favorite writers are Neil Gaiman, Raymond Feist and Terry Pratchett
* I am a die-hard Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan. I frequently seek out bad movies to make fun of with my friends.
* I'm a role-player and most of my Saturdays are devoted toward the fine art of old-school dungeon crawling.
* I wrote comic book reviews for an e-magazine for a few years.
* I do collect comics and love superheroes. Green Lantern and Green Arrow are my favorites but I also like sword-and-sorcery comics.
* I go to Scarborough Fair every weekend I can, when it is open
* I have cosplayed The Fourth Doctor, Captain Jack Sparrow, Jack Knight and Silent Bob.
* My attitude in one song lyric? "I'm praying for a miracle but I won't hold my breath."

So... yeah. As you can tell, I have a variety of diverse interests. I actually thought about using the title "Renaissance Fan" for this, but I was afraid I'd only get inquiries from Renn Fest Folk.

I'm hoping to find a few good dates and maybe a girlfriend out of this... but honestly, if all I manage is to find a few new friends, I'll be happy.

I need a compatible sense of humor, first and foremost, friend or lover. I'm a natural comedian and I love making people laugh. My sense of humor is very dry and witty.

I need someone who has her own life but wants me to be a part of it but who won't act like it's a major imposition when I want to spend time together.
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 5'09"
Weight 240 lbs
Body Type a few extra pounds
Movies sci-fi, indie, romantic comedy, horror, romance, comedy
Orientation straight
Eye Color brown
Hair Color dark brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship single - never married
Have Kids no - maybe with the right person, no - do not want kids
Education Level post-Graduate
Profession Artistic / Musical, Education / Academic Research
Income level $25,000-$50,000
Do you smoke? no - will not date a smoker
I currently live alone
Socially, I am anti-social, comic relief, better in small groups
Political Views independent, progressive, liberal, socialist
Food Related Chocoholic, Chinese, Comfort, Italian, Junk Food Junkie, Fast Food, Eat Out Frequently, BRAINS!!!, Diet Phobic, Carnivore
Personality loner, introvert, extrovert, liberal, flirt, romantic, intellectual, geek, lover, professional, fun loving, pirate, nerd, activist
Individuality beard, stache, goatee, pirate at heart, vampire
Religious Views Not Religious, but Spiritual, Agnostic, Pantheist
I'm looking for the yin to my yang, fun, conversation, something interesting, soulmate, miss right, romance, relationship, dating
My Sign gemini : may 21-june 20
Gender Male
Music Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock, Celtic, Death Metal, Rock, Progressive Rock, Post Rock, Metal, Industrial, Indie, Hard Rock
Hair Style curly, ponytail, long hair
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests comic books, computers, cooking & recipes, cosplay, internet, killing zombies, larp, manga, movies, music, nudism, reading, shopping, video games, writing
Their Body Type a few extra pounds, athletic, average, disabled, fit, slender, supermodel, voluptuous
Movies comedy, drama, indie, nothing but porn, romance, romantic comedy, sci-fi
Orientation bisexual, straight
Eye Color black, blue, brown, glass, gray, green, hazel
Hair Color auburn, blond, dark brown, depends on the day of the week, light brown, red
Their Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship divorced, open relationship, separated, single, single - never married, widowed
Have Kids no - do not want kids, no - maybe with the right person
Their Education Level college grad, currently in college, high school grad, post-Graduate, some college
Profession Artistic / Musical / Writer, Banking / Financial Services / Real Estate, Clerical / Administrative, Computer related / Hardware, Construction / Craftsman, Education / Academic Research, Entertainment / Media, Executive / Management, Fashion Industry / Modeling / Beauty, Food Service, Hospitality / Travel, Internet, Legal Services, Manufacturing / Distributions, Medical / Health Services, Other, Politics / Goverment / Military, Sales / Marketing, Technical / Science / Engineering, Transportation / Trucking
Income level $100,000+, $25,000-$50,000, $50,000-$100,000, Less than $25,000, that's private
Do they smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do they drink? daily, like a fish, only blood, socially
They currently live alone, in a van down by the river, on a pirate ship, there is a party every night, with roommate(s)
Socially, they are a couch potato, anti-social, better in small groups, comic relief, flirt, home body, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly, side kick, social butterfly, the life of the party
Political Views democrat, green party, independent, liberal, not interested in politics, progressive, socialist
Food Related Always Dieting, BRAINS!!!, Carnivore, Chinese, Chocoholic, Comfort, Diet Every Now & Then, Diet Phobic, Eat Out Frequently, Fast Food, Fine Dining, French, Gluten-free Diet, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Junk Food Junkie, Lactose Intolerant (am I sharing too much?), Omnivore, Raw, Soul Food, Spicy, Sushi, Vegan, Vegetarian
Personality activist, coffeeholic, extrovert, flirt, fun loving, geek, intellectual, introvert, liberal, loner, lover, nerd, pirate, punk, romantic, tree hugger
Individuality nudist, piercings, pirate at heart, psychic, tattoos, vampire, goatee
Religious Views Agnostic, Atheist, Buddhist, Deist, Not Religious, Not Religious, but Spiritual, Pagan, Pantheist, Wiccan
They are looking for conversation, dating, friends - with benefits, mr. right, relationship, romance, something REALLY hot, soulmate, the yin to my yang
Their Sign aquarius : jan. 20–feb. 18, aries : march 21–april 19, cancer : june 21–july 22, capricorn : dec. 22–jan. 19, gemini : may 21-june 20, i don't believe in zodiac signs, i was born in april, i was born in august, i was born in december, i was born in february, i was born in january, i was born in july, i was born in june, i was born in march, i was born in may, i was born in november, i was born in october, i was born in september, leo : july 23–aug. 22, libra : sept. 23–oct. 22, pisces : feb. 19–march 20, sagittarius : nov. 22–dec. 21, scorpio : oct. 23–nov. 21, taurus : april 20–may 20, virgo : aug. 23–sept. 22
Gender Female
Music Alternative Rock, Celtic, Chamber, Classical, Dance, Death Metal, Folk, Hard Rock, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, House, Indie, Industrial, Jazz, Jazz-Fusion, Karaoke, Metal, Motown, Opera, Pop, Post Rock, Progressive Rock, Punk, R and B, Rock, Techno
Hair Style afro, bob cut, bowl cut, bun, buzz cut, caesar, comb over, cornrows, crew cut, curly, dreadlocks, emo, faux-hawk, flattop, french braid, french twist, layered, long hair, mohawk, mullet, pageboy, perm, ponytail, rattail, shag, spiky, straight, straightened

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