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One Can Be Spiritual But Not Religious

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: One Can Be Spiritual But Not Religious

To be spiritual, one accepts that there is a 'soul' in them, and also that they have a conscience and that there are a certain set of standards, or principles, they wish to adhere to in society. To be religious is kind of like belonging to a cult; there is a large group that you meet with regularly, and some 'leader' you give power to tells you how to best live your life. Most interesting thing about the difference is, that one who is spiritual is not necessarily religious, and the opposite can also be true. There are people who 'hide behind their religion', to either browbeat someone they look down on or make excuses for their own poor behaviors and habits. A man who attends church regularly, but who beats his kids and drinks on a regular basis is NOT a better person than someone who has a much more principled lifestyle and doesn't step foot in a church. Hope that clarifies the difference...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`The 'soul' to me for me my 'aspect' of the 'collective life-force'. I call this Gaia. Yeah, I read the books by James Lovelock on how our planet is like a single living organism. And, I like the Star Wars movies and believe in the Force, but I call it the Life Force. I don't believe in God in the sense that I don't believe in a deity being judging us, watching us, manipulating us, etc. I used to call the collective life-force God a little, but it just doesn't work. I don't personify the planet.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: thank you exene

Thank you for making the distinctions of being spiritual but not religious so clear for me.


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July 23, 2006
Posts: 19

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`I'm always amazed at how people can make the connection that there are no gods, goddesses, god, or goddess, but believe in unproven things like "souls" or "spirit".

When the "spiritual but not religious" stop contemplating their navels and proclaiming their superiority long enough to create charitable groups to actually do some good in the world, I'll have some respect for them. Otherwise... people like the lesbian woman, an MCC minister who does AIDS hospice volunteer work, or the Catholic nun who helped an adult literacy program grow from a few volunteers into a major city-wide organization, or the secularist groups like Doctors Without Borders get my respect.

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