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what they need to know about my atheism

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: what they need to know about my atheism

Religion men,conservatif peple, and even some atheist think we are atheist because only we are convinced science does not proof a creator. Either this a clever trap from them (and it humiluation if they think we are going to fall in it) or it is a miss undersanding from them ((it is more likelly since they have very small pespectives, no offense).
We ,people of 21'et century do know that science is open on any thing.Scientist are even desossing time travel, the exostence of parralles universes, teletransportation,in CERN an extra light speed particel is descovered even,,,,,if those things are desossed in this century then what will happen in the 60 century??!! so yes science is veryy open on any thing, including the existance of an ant controling the world, including also that i may re-appear on earth after my death, including the descovery that univers is a piece of s--- of a horse in an othor bigger univers, and of course including the existence of a god name Jesus or Allah and so on.. yes no body can say science is limited. Evolution is a fact,,millions of people who suffer in the world are a fact,, babies dy every day is a fact,, extrem tragedies are also a fact,,,,,But it is not for any of those facts that I am atheist.
dear religious ones, I am atheist for much simple reson:
You're holly books containes ideas that are nonsense, you catholic are ok with slavery and you even judged black people as with now souls ( that means like animals), you descourage the free thinking ( your bible does), You muslim ones your Quran is a terrible book with ideas about killing,, miss estemating woman, descouraging thinking,,, ...every one of you has a very particular book which is a shame .Every one those religions has a shameful history, yet you try to find exceuses and try to put the gilth on the man who miss understand the book,,you try but the book is here and we can open it and show you wher it is written to kill. every one of those religion judges the othors as infidels, burning in hell, what god is that ?, every one of those books containes shamful ideas about how rain is makes how clouds form by angels , with very primary ideas which are not accepted ion this age and this era. the reson I am atheist is your religions before any othor thing.

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February 26, 2012
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`I do believe science does proved answers to any questions i have on the reason i am here and what i am build for......but i did become an atheist for very similar reason.....I lost faith in god the more i thought about all the bull---- in the bible, and the events happening in the world and my life. It didn't make sense to me that god "did" EVERY thing he "did"......asking a dude to kill his son, killing innocent people because he said he would and he could......does that sound like something god would do?????? IDK, but i find that all religions are not believable and are created just to comfort people in times of great suffering................and are the folk lore of that time period......

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October 27, 2011
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`What we have to remember about the "big three" (Judeo-Christian) monotheisms (or any other belief system) is the historical and social context: Where they originated, when, and by whom.

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