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I didn't join this to discuss Heavens, Hells or Holy Cows.

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September 26, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: I didn't join this to discuss Heavens, Hells or Holy Cows.
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But merely to communicate with those like-minded individuals who are not going to preach anything spiritual - and hopefully will not come at me in the street either - asking for alms for the love of Allah or some other of the countless Messiahs that have passed on over the ages.

I just like to hang out with those people who already know what happens to us when we get whacked by the mob, kick the bucket from old age, NHS neglect, or simply get run over by a woman on a crossing who is driving a Chelsea Tractor while on her cell phone. And that also means those who are just not out to debate the whys and wherefores of us so-called non-believers and attempt to convert us to the 'kneeling syndome' on wooden benches in musty, dank old buildings best suited to converting into Nucleaur Power Stations, or polling booths for Politicians.

Fanatics stay clear please. That also meas you, Mel Gibson! Although for a Bottle of Johnny Walker Blue label I might give you three minutes.


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February 16, 2009
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Brits are just so much better at snark than us nasty Yanks. "Chelsea Tractor?" "NHS neglect?" It's all just so damn charming - puts me in mind of the Onion headline about the cockney guy living in the US who's house burnt down as he begged for help from his neighbors, and all they could remark upon was the loveliness of his accent.

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February 16, 2009
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Brits are just so much better at snark than us nasty Yanks. "Chelsea Tractor?" "NHS neglect?" It's all just so damn charming - puts me in mind of the Onion headline about the cockney guy living in the US who's house burnt down as he begged for help from his neighbors, and all they could remark upon was the loveliness of his accent.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Seeing as atheism only exists because of theism, it's very difficult to seperate them. The only attribute which binds the people in this site together is their lack of a belief in a god. Not all atheists like science nor do all atheists think rationally. The most obvious thing then is to talk about that lack of a belief in a god. This doesn't mean that we can't talk together about other things-afterall there is probably a statistical coorelation for some subjects and atheists, however, we probably shouldn't avoid the talk of theism either.

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