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Hello - Looking for Atheist Volunteer

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July 22, 2007
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Hello - Looking for Atheist Volunteer
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Hello, I'm doing a college assignment and I need to find someone to interview on atheistic existentialism. If you would be interested, I need your point of view on Atheism and the following questions.

1. What is prime reality - the really real?
2. What is the nature of external reality, that is, te world around us?
3. What is a human being?
4. What happens to a person at death?
5. Why is it possible to know anything at all?
6. How do you know what is right and wrong?
7. What is the meaning of human history?

If anyone is interested, please email your thoughts/responses. I would greatly appreciate learning more and anyone willing to give their time to help out.

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April 21, 2008
Posts: 1

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.1. What? 2. Huh? 3. umm... me 4. you die.. 5.brain 6.brain 7.less than a tenth of history, probly less than that.
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May 3, 2009
Posts: 6

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Hello - Looking for Atheist Volunteer
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schlassign wrote: Hello, I'm doing a college assignment and I need to find someone to interview on atheistic existentialism. If you would be interested, I need your point of view on Atheism and the following questions.

1. What is prime reality - the really real?
2. What is the nature of external reality, that is, Te world around us?
3. What is a human being?
4. What happens to a person at death?
5. Why is it possible to know anything at all?
6. How do you know what is right and wrong?
7. What is the meaning of human history?

If anyone is interested, please email your thoughts/responses. I would greatly appreciate learning more and anyone willing to give their time to help out.

Id love to take part , thanks.
im new to this so would need guiding.
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May 16, 2009
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I will try and answer to the best of my ability...

1.) I can only determine what is REAL by what I know and understand in the physical universe. Any assumption made beyond the physical universe is theory... and I am not smart enough to know how far this reality stretches. No one is, and I doubt that we will ever know all of these answers.

2.) What is the NATURE of reality? That isn't a very well worded question. I am going to say that the defining characteristic of reality is that it is constant and ultimate. Whether we are fully aware of that reality or not changes nothing about it. It exists regardless of what partakes in it. I guess I would also have to say that it is the fabric of space/time.

3.) A human being is a particular kind of life form (or species) that is characterized by its physiological differences, including intelligence.

4.) All things have already been dead once before. Before we were ever born, when we did not yet exist, we were "dead." Do you remember that time? You won't remember death or be aware of it either.

5.) We can know something of the physical universe because we ourselves are physical beings. To go beyond that is simply guessing. There are people who will say 'how do you even know what reality is? how do you know what is real?' As I said before, an ultimate reality exists that is outside of our control. To prove my point, imaging yourself to be a bird. Are you a bird now? No. You do not control reality, so... there must exist an ultimate reality. We know little bits of the physical portion of the ultimate reality.

6.) Are we talking morals here? Morality is an ever changing set of guiding principles, but I use my sentience as a guide of right and wrong. We are evolutionarily programmed to feel pleasure and pain, and we associate those feelings with positive and negative attributes. I do not want to cause pain to anyone, as they are sentient as am I. I understand sentience and respect it.

If we are talking answers to questions... I use the scientific method to determine whether a theory is supported or refuted. I can use this to predict future behaviors, and if my predictions confirm the hypothesis, then I was "correct."

7.) The meaning of human history... again, a vague question. I can't extrapolate a singular meaning from nearly a million years of history... I can't extrapolate a singular meaning from the past 10 years of my own personal history. One thing history is good for is showing a pattern of life. We can use our history to make educated guesses on our future.

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